While in Greece our transfer driver Tasos (who was awesome by the way) let us in on a little secret I will not soon forget. The Greek Frappe. It is an iced coffee drink invented by the Greeks. He said if we wanted to experience Greece like a local we must try this sweet iced coffee. I had one with breakfast the next morning and many times throughout our trip. Thankfully this is something that I can make at home quite easily!
Greek Frappe Recipe
1. In a shaker add 2-3 tablespoons cold water, 1 teaspoon nescafe & sugar to taste (1 or more teaspoons, the Greeks like ’em sweet!) 2. Close tightly and shake for 10 seconds until mixture appears to be all foam 3. Pour foam into glass, add 7-8 oz. of water, some icecubes and milk to taste and stir. 4. ENJOY :) The key to this drink is lots and lots of foam. They are sweet, refreshing, and delicious!