This afternoon as I stared at the 90 yards of burlap in my livingroom trying to figure out how to cut it into straight uniform pieces I decided to procrastinate a little longer and make a “me” project instead. All that has been on the brain lately are the dozens of little wedding projects I need to do and it has my head spinning. Taking a little break and doing something that I am not pressured to do made me feel so much better, and it’s helping to fill up the space on my sparsely decorated walls. Tomorrow, I will be cuttin’ away on the burlap! If you wanna help PLEASE call me. ;)
glue gun and glue
mini clothes pins (you can find at your local craft store)
jute twine (local craft or hardware store)
old frame (i spray painted mine black)
1. cut three pieces (or as many needed depending on size of your frame) that will reach across your frame
2. glue pieces to the back with some hot glue (I did not picture this because my glue was a mess. don’t judge, it was my first attempt at this project. hehe)
3. For the braided wall hanger cut three more additional pieces of twine in desired length. (this can only be done if your frame has little hangers on the back) tie all three as a bunch on one hanger loop, braid them and tie to the other hanger loop.
4. attach photos with mini clothes pins and hang on wall!